5 Reasons Why SEO is Still not Dead

Many webmasters and owners feel that search engine optimization is on its last legs, if not already dead! Well, they can’t be more wrong, and here are some of the top 5 reasons justifying the fact that top SEO software techniques still rule the online platform and provide long lasting success to sites that channelize their SEO tactics in the correct way.

  •  Search engines and SEO connection- SEO is essential for search engines to sift through the gigantic proportion of internet data so that it can provide good quality and relevant search results for their users.

  • Website content still mean a lot- Without relevant content in websites, Google won’t be able to know the nature of the websites to guide users to find useful websites with clarified topics and clear keyword oriented themes.

  • Google leans on top SEO tools- To avoid mixing high quality websites with low quality ones; Google gives priority to top SEO softwares and their applications such as Meta tags and rich keyword density.

  • Marketers and web designers- Companies still depend on expert web designers to use their age old SEO tactics and make successful websites to market their products and services. New techniques and practises have also been incorporated into search engine optimisation of websites.

  • Marketing promotional activities depend on search engines- Search engine giant Google handles almost 2 billion searches per day to give relevant search results. The percentage of organic search results or referrals greatly outweighs the results that users derive from social media, PPC ads or email mediums.

To get good consistent successful results, top SEO tools are still used by billions of websites to race ahead in search result rankings and attract sizeable web traffic. One can log on to reputed portals such as iExpertsForum, which provide web-users with finest offers on various online tools that are available in the market. 


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